Decorative Floral Door Cross
Decorative Floral Door Cross
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Handmade decorative Floral door cross made by Beth Kooker for Tennessee. Perfect door decor for the upcoming Christmas season. The cross wreath for you is 36” long and 23 1/2 inches wide. Made with poly burlap that makes is excellent for outdoor decor.
An additional shipping & handling fee of $20 applies.
A note from Good News Broadcasting: FUNDRAISING MISSION: Expand our Global Divine Assignment in 2024 by continuing to spread the "Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ" worldwide through the World Wide Web.
Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc. ( is a faith-based Christian global online ministry 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2006. We are dedicated to spreading the "Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ" as ascribed in The Great Commission (Mark 16:15-18, Matthew 28:18-20) around the world through modern multimedia technology.
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Our first-time annual online auction is raising money to support our growing global online Restoration & Power of Prayer program as well as the development of our upcoming eLearning platform, bringing the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ as one body worldwide. All auction proceeds will go directly to support these programs.
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